Tuesday, August 2, 2016

In the Company of Friends

I've just returned from Catholic Writers' Conference Live!--the Catholic Writers' Guild meeting in Schaumburg, IL.  Great fun!  I had the chance to give a couple of interviews and schedule another. High cotton indeed for a first time novelist.

Dying for Revenge actually began its journey at a similar meeting a few years ago.  I went, along with my literary agent, to pitch the book to several publishers who were holding court.  I remember the butterflies--I was as twitchy as a drop of water on a hot skillet.  But the folks I talked to were kind and interested and it was the start of the road to publication.  Interestingly, my publisher was the president of the CWG that year.  (She doesn't remember me from that meeting, but I remember her..particularly when she took the podium and asked whether we could see her behind it.)

Writing is such a solitary occupation, just a person and a computer.  It's really the perfect occupation for an introvert, but even introverts need to get together with like minded folks once in a while.

Like minded we may be, but not at all alike in our work.  At the books signings, everything from children's books to well-researched references were on display.   And the authors, all there to meet and greet:  Here a priest, there a friar, a mother who lost a child, another who's a dynamo and prayer warrior, a teenager, a surfing champion, a successful businessman, a television personality--it would be hard to find a more diverse group, but one drawn together by their love of writing and their faith.  And next year I will remember to bring a rolling cart for the books I bring home.  I have my reading list for some weeks to come.

I'm not well enough recognized for anyone to ask me advice about writing, but just in case someone does, here's my first suggestion:  Find a writer's conference and go! There's something exciting about being among other writers, sharing stories.  It's what writers do, after all.

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